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Category: LuvNotes

24 Sep

LuvNote #008 – Run Your Home, Like a Startup

Starting a business is not an easy task. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, sleepless nights, caffeine, patience, guts, perseverance, and did I mention sleepless nights? Despite that, the reward of your business becoming successful is well worth all the blood, sweat, and tears that you had to put in — especially if your business serves a social mission. Aside from all of the sweat equity that has to go into a new startup, one of the key ingredients to success is staying lean.

“What is a lean startup?” you may ask. It is a scientific methodology of running a business that builds a product or service that meets the needs of customers in such a way that the business doesn’t require a large amount of money to be successful. If we use this same methodology to run our household finances, then our odds of success increase exponentially. The following are five ways to manage your finances like a successful startup.

1. Rely on the Numbers

Running a lean startup goes beyond the opinion of what you think works or theories of what could work and instead relies on evidence. You test your product or service in small capacities, and you observe how it is received by the outside world. This allows you to know in real time what works and what doesn’t. Once you have proven your concept, you can now begin to scale your business. As it relates to your household finances, it is important to rely on the numbers instead of opinions and theories. Instead of guessing about where your money is going, where it is being spent, etc., use a budget worksheet to know exactly where your money is being allocated. Once you observe and identify your spending, you can begin to scale your finances to focus on items that matter most.

2. Fail as Fast as Possible

Failure isn’t failure when you fail, instead it becomes failure when you give up. Using the lean startup methodology, the sooner you can figure out (at a small scale) what doesn’t work in your business, the better off you’ll be. This allows you to weed out all of the possible losing scenarios until you are left with the winner. This can translate into your personal finances because as a household you may be dealing with multiple money personalities or old money messages that no longer serve you. As you fail as fast as possible, you will realize what parts of your money management techniques you have to tweak or get rid of. The faster you can make that happen, the sooner you can begin to enjoy your financial freedom.

3. Make It a Team Effort

The lean startup approach is never just about the executives in the C-suite. Instead, it involves everyone including the janitor and the mailperson. When all of your employees are invested in the success of the company, then everyone will do their part to achieve the goals that are set forth. There is never an attitude of “this is not my job” because everyone understands the cliché that says, “It takes teamwork to make the dream work.” When you transfer this attitude into your household finances, it allows you to manage your money successfully because you are involving everyone who can potentially play a role. Whether it’s your significant other, family, or friends, involving them in your financial goals will help steer them away from distracting you in a different direction.

4. Hire Slow, Train Fast

In the book From Good to Great, Jim Collins talks about getting the right people into the right seats on the bus, which means you must make sure that you have the right employees in the right positions in order for your business to get to the next level. This is also true when running a lean startup. Instead of hiring outside help, a lean startup will access its current talent pool and figure out who it can cross-train for any necessary vacant positions. This can be applied to your finances by making sure that before you hire help and dish out any money, you see if what needs to be done can be done in-house or learned by someone. More tangible examples are dry cleaning vs. laundry and eating out vs. cooking. Both former examples produce added costs, while the latter can be accomplished at a fraction of the cost. Adopting this mentality can truly decrease discretionary spending, which can leave more cash for savings or retirement.

5. Communicate Often

Lastly, communication can be extremely helpful as you run your household finances like a successful startup. In any successful business, there are often quarterly, monthly, weekly, and even daily meetings to ensure that everyone stays on the same page. It isn’t possible for a startup to run efficiently and lean if some people are going right and others are going left. Everyone should be marching to the same beat. This also rings true when it comes to your personal finances. Are you married and practicing financial monogamy? Do you have children? What about a boyfriend or girlfriend? Or a roommate? No matter what your situation is, communicating on a consistent basis with anyone who is involved with the finances is imperative. Having a weekly or monthly budget meeting is ideal, but in the same breath, everyone should be on the same page around financial goals and aspirations. Once you move as one, you can begin to financially win as one. As I said earlier — teamwork makes the dream work!

17 Aug

LuvNote #007 – Changing the Workplace

Whether you like it or not, millennials are taking over the workplace! It is estimated that by 2020, they will make up the majority and take over many leadership positions, so the workplace as we know it will become a thing of the past. If you are reading this, there’s a good chance that you are a millennial, so this is music to your ears.

As an older millennial, I remember the days of working in silos and sitting at a cluttered desk for 10-15 hours a day trying to look busy in an unproductive, hierarchical, “do-as-I-say” environment (sorry for the small rant). One of the reasons I decided to start BankMobile was to create an environment that was the opposite of what I was used to. Now that the changing of the guard is happening, there will be a big shift in what the workplace looks and feels like. The following are five ways that millennials are changing the workplace.

1. Work will be FUN!

In 1985, Cyndi Lauper came out with her smash hit “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.” Now, in 2017, it is no longer just girls who want to have fun, but a whole generation. Millennials want their work environment to not feel like a work environment. They know they are going to be spending many hours working on their respective projects, so FUN is a big part of what the workplace needs to be in order to attract and retain millennials.

2. Work will have a social mission.

Having fun is not the only thing that millennials want. They also want to make sure that the work they are doing is having a positive impact on the world in which they live. As a result, we can expect that most businesses will have a social mission attached to them when millennials are officially at the helm. No longer will working be only about making a profit, but rather it will be about profit while doing good and making the world a better place.

3. Work will be more like an entrepreneurial venture.

Gone will be the days that employees look at their work as something they are just doing to make ends meet. Because millennials want to have fun and do meaningful work, they will be fully invested in the work they do. Instead of having an environment where workers just follow orders and do what they are told, employees will be given the leeway to do their work as if they are running an entrepreneurial venture. This will likely cause employees to work for a single employer past the current average of two years. Once a millennial feels like they are in control of their growth, they feel little need to find opportunity elsewhere.

4. The typical workplace will disappear.

As millennials continue to care more about experiences and have a need for work/life balance, we will begin to see the disappearance of the traditional nine-to-five. Instead, you will see many instances where employees are given the option to work from home (or the beach) as long as they are getting their work done. You’ll also see telecommuting become the norm, variable hours that fit employees’ lifestyles, and companies adopting nontraditional workspaces.

5. Hierarchy will disappear.

Lastly, hierarchy as we know it will disappear. Millennials want mentors, not managers, so their bosses will be more like coaches instead of simply someone telling them what to do. They will help guide them and teach them how to maximize their full potential. Millennials want to feel supported and valued, so this new coach-style leadership will do well for employee retention.

All in all, many of the things that some from previous generations predict will happen to the workplace — such as high turnover, less productivity, and a false sense of entitlement — will probably not happen. When you really get to know millennials, you will realize that we are committed and dedicated to the things that meet our ideals.

So, cheers to a more fun, flexible, highly productive, socially driven, and entrepreneurial workplace that will allow employees to grow and maximize their full potential!

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

17 Jul

LuvNote #006 – Make Work Fun

Traditionally speaking, work is not supposed to be fun; you do your job, get paid, and that is that. If you want to have fun, then you do that during your own time: on the weekends or during your scheduled vacation. But the truth of the matter is that when you are having fun at work, it makes for a more productive environment. In fact, statistics show that fun in the workplace leads to 51 percent lower turnover and 125 percent less burnout. So why aren’t more companies marrying the two? Perhaps it’s the fear that if there’s too much fun going on, not much work will get done. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The following are seven ways to have fun while getting things done at work.

1. Spread the Love and Set the Tone

If you want your work environment to be fun, you will have to set the tone to give others permission to do the same. Most people have a silly side to them, but because they have a fear of what other people might think, they conform to a personality that is safe and conservative. Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying to be unprofessional, but there are ways to have fun while being professional. If the energy in the office is a stuffy one, then productivity will dip. Start your fun work environment by just being you and enjoying life. The energy will begin to rub off on your colleagues.

2. Gamify Your Task

Monotony has never been good for anyone. Whenever you are doing the same things day in and day out, it doesn’t make for a fun environment. Instead of just getting your work done in a mundane way, spice it up by creating challenges that add spark to the workday. Instead of completing your task the conventional way, maybe add a timer to the task to see if you can get it done before the timer runs out. Writing a report or creating a presentation? Consider initiating a contest in which coworkers compete for the best design or most accurate report. Sky’s the limit, so use this as a way to create friendly competition within the office.

3. Schedule Activity Time With Your Coworkers

This can be going to lunch together, making a coffee run, or trying different spots for snacks. Create a ritual around the office that has nothing to do with actual work so that you can recalibrate your brain and become more productive. As you and your coworkers balance activity time with work, you will notice that you look forward to coming to work based on the scheduled adventures.

4. Take a Few Minutes Every Day to Get Up and Walk Around

What good is a luxury car that doesn’t have any gas? Making sure you are not burnt out is vital to your productivity. Take a few minutes each day to get up and walk around. Here at the BankMobile offices, we’ll randomly do push-ups as a team to get the blood flowing after being seated for so long. Don’t like push-ups? Then how about doing some jumping jacks? The goal is to keep the blood flowing in between your work.

5. Make Your Workspace Enjoyable

What you see visually adds to the enjoyment of your job, so stop allowing your space to look so dull. Decorate your office full of colors and accessories that make you come alive. Put special mementos or pictures on your desk that bring a smile to your face. Keeping your office festive will add to the good vibes that you are looking for.

6. Laugh out Loud

Work doesn’t have to be all business, all of the time. Laughing is a great way to relieve yourself from any work stress while still staying focused on your task. In fact, some believe laughter is the remedy for everything. It is also believed that laughter can be contagious, so as you begin to laugh out loud, those around you will also likely join in. Don’t force the laughter, but make it one of your goals for the day.

7. Do Something Kind For Your Coworker

Lastly, make a habit of creating an environment in which everyone at some point does a random act of kindness for a coworker. Maybe it’s done in a pay-it-forward style, so no one feels obligated to repay the person who did the act of kindness directly but instead keeps the cycle going by having coworkers look forward to something nice happening to them.

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

17 Jun

LuvNote #005 – Health is Wealth

For many years, researchers have tried to draw the connection between health and wealth. It’s been stated that the healthier a person is, the more wealth they can attain. In fact, according to a Florida State University psychology professor, exhibiting self-control in one area of a person’s life affects others, so if you build up discipline in your eating habits and workout routines, you can gain the discipline needed to manage your money better. Sounds logical, right? But what if you’re looking to go beyond just managing your money better? How can you build wealth by staying healthy? Keep reading for five ways that your health can help to increase your net worth.

1. Keeps Your Brain Sharp

Success is not a matter of chance or luck; it’s based on hard work, dedication, and the ability to execute the right decisions at the right times. Whether you work a corporate job or are an entrepreneur, many of the business decisions you make will require that you have a sharp analytical mind. Feeding your body the right nutrients is vital in providing your brain with the nourishment it needs to function at its full capacity. Conversely, feeding your body the wrong things can make you sluggish and slow down your ability to make the right decisions needed to succeed, survive, and thrive in business.

2. Gives You More Energy

For the most part, building wealth and maintaining a level of success takes more than working 40 hours a week. At the end of it all, you may be feeling fatigue and want to take a power nap to recoup just to find yourself even more tired than when you began. Well, according to WebMD, a walk or light jog may be better than a nap for boosting energy and fighting fatigue. Other studies have also shown that morning workouts are best because they help your body produce more adrenaline at the beginning of the day, which helps you power through your routine to give you more energy throughout the day.

3. Keeps You Out of the Hospital

I may be stating the obvious, but there is no way you can build wealth and increase your net worth if you’re sick. The foods you decide to eat and the amount of exercise you do will have a direct effect on your health. Eating right and exercising will not only keep you out of the hospital, but it will also keep you away from needing to take medications that usually have many side effects, possibly including fatigue (among other things that are counter to what you need to be on top of your game).

4. Teaches You Perseverance

As stated earlier, maintaining good habits in one area may trickle down to other areas in your life. It’s no secret that on your journey to greatness many obstacles may try to stop you from achieving your goals. However, you must keep going when the going gets tough. This level of perseverance can be taught and trained. Will Smith once said that conquering the treadmill is necessary to conquering life. He explains that the same mind that tells you that you can’t go on while you are running is the same voice that tries to convince you to give up in life. If you learn how to silence that voice on a daily basis, you can build the grit that you need to get through some tough days in business.

5. Relieves Stress

Have you heard of endorphins? If not, endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which serve as natural pain and stress fighters. Endorphins cause what people who run refer to as a “runner’s high.” It’s literally a body chemical that makes you feel happy and less stressed. And do you know how to activate your endorphins? You guessed it: the right food and exercise! Maintaining a good diet and workout regimen will not only keep you strong physically, but mentally as well. We all know what stress can do to our decision-making abilities, and while we continue on our journey to building wealth, we want to make sure that we stay in the right mindset. A stress-free life can literally and figuratively increase your net worth. So next time you need a reason to improve your diet or exercise routine, remember that health is wealth!

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

17 Apr

LuvNote #004 – Put Passion Over Profit


here is a longstanding debate on whether money can buy happiness or not, with mixed results leaning towards both sides. Most would agree that it’s not money itself that makes one happy but rather it’s what can be bought with the money. However, that still begs the question: if you don’t have money, can you still be happy? For the most part, money is needed at a basic level in order to purchase the things we need in life to survive, but at what point does passion become more important than profit?

With a new awakening by many people who are more interested in their quality of life, we have compiled a list of seven reasons why loving what you do is more important than how much you make.

1. You Have a Better Chance of Living Longer

According to WebMD, studies have found that many health issues like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma worsen or increase when put in a stressful environment. When you are working at a job that you hate or a job that you are only at because of the money, you are literally taking years off of your life due to the stress that job may cause. Add to that the fact that not living out your passion adds another level of dissatisfaction, where you are doubly hurting yourself by adding potential regret to the mix.

2. You Will NEVER Fail

Albert Einstein once said, “You never fail until you stop trying.” In other words, you don’t become a failure by failing. You become a failure by giving up. When you are solely working for a paycheck and the going gets tough it becomes easier to just walk away and find something else to do, instead of sticking it out and persevering. Passion allows you to go above and beyond in everything you do. And even if something happens that sets you back, you will continue to put your best foot forward because you are passionate about your work.

3. You Can Provide For Your Family Long Term

When your why is big enough, you can handle just about any how! It is no secret that success takes hard work but when you are motivated, it becomes more difficult for you to fail or not be successful. With that said, following your passion ensures that you have longevity in what you are doing. So if you combine your passion with a paycheck, you will make more over your lifetime then if you simply chased money. Yes, you can probably make a lot of money in the immediate, but the amount of work that it will take to sustain your income on a long-term perspective will burn you out. As a result, this may cause you to quit based on poor work-life balance or get terminated due to performance. Either way, that income disruption may be detrimental to you and your family’s well-being, so going after your passion from the start increases your chance of having a stable financial household.

4. You Only Live Once

Two things guaranteed in life are death and taxes! No matter how you slice it every one of us at some point is going to die! Sorry to sound harsh, but if you only have one life to live, why waste it doing something that you don’t love? Time is the one thing that you can NEVER get back. Think about it: if you lose money, you can always make some more, but time, once wasted, is gone forever. Instead of spending your precious time chasing something that will always be there (money), focus on using what is limited (time) to its fullest.

5. You Have a Reason to Keep Going

Life is full of ups and downs. When the downturns happen, your passion is what is going to get you through even the worst of times. Imagine struggling and going through hardship and the only thing you have to show for it is your bank account or material possessions? The value of those things decreases very quickly, while passion stays with you forever. Passion gives you a reason to wake up with enthusiasm instead of working for the weekends. Passion gives you the extra energy you need to keep going, when the going gets tough.

6. You Can Build a Strong Network

When you are motivated and passionate about your work, you attract other people who have the same passion for their work. Conversely, when you are passionate and love what you do, it also becomes easier to spot those who are not as passionate. If you are in a leadership position, this allows you to build a strong team that will help you achieve your goals faster. If you are not in a leadership position, it allows you to shine and move up the corporate ladder faster because you will stand out from the crowd. And if you are an entrepreneur, it will allow you to be surrounded by those who have the same values and work ethic that you do. Very simply, the more you surround yourself with high achievers, the further you’ll go.

7. You’ll Increase Your Happiness

As the famous John Lennon quote says, “When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” Be like John! Understand that life is about being happy and happiness comes from doing what sets your soul on fire! Follow your passion and be happy.

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

10 Mar

LuvNote #003 – Make Your Internships Last

If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: experience is the best teacher! And what better way to learn than when there are people willing to teach you? That’s why Summer internships are a win-win. Not only can you get some valuable experience while the company gets an extra hand and someone to add to their potential talent pipeline, but you also may even get paid. More importantly, if you play your cards right, an internship can turn into a full-time job. So take some initiative and make the most of your Summer internship!

1. Dress to Impress

How you present yourself is important. Unlike being a permanent employee, as an intern you have limited time to show who you really are, so how you are perceived during your internship carries weight. As you get ready for your workday every day, remember that you are not going to the beach or a pool party. You are in a professional environment, so be sure to dress appropriately. Even if you see others dressed unprofessionally, make sure you maintain your level of professionalism. If you are not certain about the dress code, ask your immediate supervisor or someone in HR.

2. Always Stay Positive

No one wants to be around a negative Nancy or Danny downer all day. If you are normally the person who complains about everything, make sure you readjust that attitude and put on a smiling face. If you want to make the most of your Summer internship, it is important that you have a can-do attitude, stay positive, and bring good energy with you to the workplace. When you make people feel good with your presence, it makes them want to be around you more and look at you favorably. A lasting positive impression can do wonders for your career, especially early on. It is often said that people do business with those they like, and while this isn’t a popularity contest, remaining positive will help shine a light on what matters, which is how awesome you really are.

3. Keep Company Business Off of Social Media

I know it’s customary to tweet about everything you are doing or use Snapchat or Instagram to highlight the fun parts of your day, but it is imperative to realize that while you are an intern you should keep your company’s business off of your social media accounts. Talking about your supervisor’s fashion sense or how bored you are in the office will not help you make the most of your Summer internship. Even if your page is private, reserve your opinion for you and you only. Remember: anything you post on social media can and will be use against you in the court of public opinion.

4. Work Hard and Take Initiative

As an intern, there are basic things you have to do in order to guarantee your success. Those things include being on time, dressing and being professional, and taking on assignments without complaining. But who wants to be basic? If the goal is to stand out and make the most of your internship, then working hard and taking initiative is a must. That means not just doing what is asked, but going above and beyond to do the things you haven’t been asked to do but that you know need to be done. Taking on an additional task that wasn’t assigned to you shows that you are willing to do what it takes to help your team reach the next level and puts you on top of the “I like this intern” list. This also allows you to gain more experience than you would normally attain as an intern.

5. Make Key Connections

It is often said that “your net worth equals your network,” which means that who you know can be equally important as what you know. With that said, while you are at your internship, it is important that you informally network with different departments to connect with those in senior positions who may have the power to employ you at a later date. Most people love to speak about themselves, so use this as an opportunity to learn more about them and what they do. Ultimately, these connections will be beneficial as your internship comes to a close.

6. Show Your Gratitude

Lastly, a verbal “thank you” can go a long way, but a “thank you” that someone remembers goes even further. When you are wrapping up your Summer internship, make sure to show your gratitude for the opportunity. A handwritten card, flowers, and/or small gift to your boss, mentors, and other coworkers who helped you will go a long way in them remembering you. It is usually the small things that people remember best.

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

11 Jun

LuvNote #002 – Fight the Summer Slump

Let’s face it, the summertime means vacation vibes, hanging with friends, and chilling on the beach. But here’s another truth: our bills don’t stop during the Summer, and unless you are a trust-fund baby, you need to continue to get paid. So how do you stay focused and avoid the Summer slump at work? Here are six tips for doing just that:

1. Find Your Balance

All work and no play will leave you feeling summertime-fun-deprived, so it is important to find your balance. Make sure your week is filled with not only work duties but also many fun things to do so you don’t feel bummed out that you have to work. Also, the fact that the sun is up longer during the Summer allows you to have many after-work functions without having to play hooky.

2. Plan Your Day

It is easy to fall into a slump if you allow the day to control you instead of you controlling it. Make sure you plan your day early so that you can schedule in some time for fun. When you have the day planned out, it allows you to dictate what parts of your day will be focused on work and when you can take a break. Schedule lunch breaks and enjoy the sun throughout the day. Also, try to arrive at work earlier so you can leave earlier, if permitted.

3. Do More Work

This may sound counterintuitive, but doing more work is important in order to not fall into a slump. The more idle time you have, the more opportunity your brain gets to wander and wish it was somewhere else. Do your best to stay busy. It’s still important to take breaks in between, but in a structured way.

4. Dress Appropriately

Summertime work slump also occurs when you are uncomfortable. Your workplace may be a bit cold from the AC, but the heat outside may be too intense to allow going to work in a full suit (talk about a conundrum), and taking the extra step to assure your comfortability is important for your productivity. If you get to work drenched in sweat or freezing from the AC, your mind will not be too happy and you will probably get very little done. Instead, make sure that you leave appropriate clothes at your job in order to accommodate for both extremes.

5. Stay Organized

Desk clutter can cause serious anxiety and overwhelm you, and this added stress at the workplace can be demotivating (especially when it’s hot). Taking the time to get organized and focused is totally worth it.

6. Exercise in the Morning

Morning exercise is said to give you more energy during the day. Instead of relying on your daily cup of joe to provide the boost you need to get through, you can go for a light jog or do some strength training to keep you more alert and productive at work. While your coffee may provide some temporary relief, the crash that comes with it may not add to your cause. Exercise will give you the natural and good energy you need. And if you don’t have a gym membership, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to work out without paying for one.

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

20 Mar

LuvNote #001 – Succeed at Your New Job

Starting a new job is usually an exciting time with the anticipation that your new gig will be a perfect match, and will allow you to cultivate and sharpen your skills while making a positive contribution to the company. At the same time, it can be very stressful, especially within the first three months when you are literally on trial and don’t know if you will make it to the other side of your probationary period. With different management styles, it is a challenge for people to figure out whether they are doing a good job or not. The following are five ways to tell if you are doing well at your new job:

1. You Have Greater Ownership Over Your Work

Obviously, you were hired to do a specific job, and if someone else has to do it for you, why do they need you? Truth be told, when you are just starting out, there will be a lot of hand-holding as you get acclimated to your new role. Your direct supervisor is going to offer you a lot of guidance to make sure that you are on the right track. But as you get better at your role and your team starts to trust you, they will more often give you the ball to run with. This is a great sign and shows that you are doing well at your new job. The sooner the hand-holding stops, the better you are doing. The hope is that the hand-holding stops closer to your first month than to your third month, because if it takes 90 days for your team to trust you, then Houston, we have a problem.

2. You Are Being Given More Responsibility

Another sign that you’re doing great at your new job is when you are given responsibility beyond your current role. It’s one thing to get your management team to trust you with your role, but once they start trusting you with projects that are beyond the scope of what you were hired for, you know that you are doing pretty awesome. Some may look at this as unfavorable; however, a little more work won’t hurt anyone, and if it is a place where you are looking for longevity, the more areas that you make yourself valuable, the better.

3. Your Colleagues Rely on Your Opinion/Expertise

They say opinions are like Facebook pages because everyone has them. But in the workplace, valued opinions are few and far between. When you start being the go-to person for your opinion and expertise, this is a good indication that you are doing spectacular at your job. It’s one thing to be trusted with your own duties or given extra responsibility, but when that graduates to people trusting you with what they are responsible for, then you are closer to becoming a permanent team member. Establishing yourself as a trusted resource doesn’t come easy, especially when you are new. So if it starts to happen, be sure to take it as sign that you are doing things right.

4. You’re Asked to Represent Your Company

First you are being trusted with your own work, then you are given extra responsibility, and after that people trust your expertise and opinion. But when your company starts to ask you to represent them in public, it’s clear that you are well on your way to becoming a permanent team member. This is a big deal, because when you first start out, the mistakes that you make internally stay within the company, so most new employees are never given the opportunity to go out and publicly represent their employers. But when you are sent on speaking engagements to talk on behalf of your employer, if you are asked to head up a meeting with external partners, or when press opportunities arise that you’re asked to fulfill, you are given the leeway to relay the company’s message to the masses. This is the holy grail of trust and comfort with your higher-ups.

5. Your Boss Is Starting to Lean on You More

“Can you handle this for me?” are the six most important words you can hear from your boss as an employee, let alone a new employee. What the boss is responsible for is not only important for the company but also for their reputation. When you are being trusted to handle things on behalf of the boss, you know that you are there to stay. Being the first that he/she turns to, being mentioned as the alternative contact in out-of-office messages, and/or being told “You got this, I trust you” is the ultimate grand prize of awesomeness at the workplace! You are officially an asset!

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original