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Author: @luvleensidhu

8 Jul


Ihad the opportunity to show attendees at The Financial Brand Forum 2016 how they can innovate and reimagine the banking experience just like BankMobile. The Financial Brand Forum is the single largest gathering of senior-level marketing executives in the banking world. Every Spring, this annual conference arms financial marketers with the ideas, insights, tools and techniques they need to cultivate more consumer relationships.


11 Jun

LuvNote #002 – Fight the Summer Slump

Let’s face it, the summertime means vacation vibes, hanging with friends, and chilling on the beach. But here’s another truth: our bills don’t stop during the Summer, and unless you are a trust-fund baby, you need to continue to get paid. So how do you stay focused and avoid the Summer slump at work? Here are six tips for doing just that:

1. Find Your Balance

All work and no play will leave you feeling summertime-fun-deprived, so it is important to find your balance. Make sure your week is filled with not only work duties but also many fun things to do so you don’t feel bummed out that you have to work. Also, the fact that the sun is up longer during the Summer allows you to have many after-work functions without having to play hooky.

2. Plan Your Day

It is easy to fall into a slump if you allow the day to control you instead of you controlling it. Make sure you plan your day early so that you can schedule in some time for fun. When you have the day planned out, it allows you to dictate what parts of your day will be focused on work and when you can take a break. Schedule lunch breaks and enjoy the sun throughout the day. Also, try to arrive at work earlier so you can leave earlier, if permitted.

3. Do More Work

This may sound counterintuitive, but doing more work is important in order to not fall into a slump. The more idle time you have, the more opportunity your brain gets to wander and wish it was somewhere else. Do your best to stay busy. It’s still important to take breaks in between, but in a structured way.

4. Dress Appropriately

Summertime work slump also occurs when you are uncomfortable. Your workplace may be a bit cold from the AC, but the heat outside may be too intense to allow going to work in a full suit (talk about a conundrum), and taking the extra step to assure your comfortability is important for your productivity. If you get to work drenched in sweat or freezing from the AC, your mind will not be too happy and you will probably get very little done. Instead, make sure that you leave appropriate clothes at your job in order to accommodate for both extremes.

5. Stay Organized

Desk clutter can cause serious anxiety and overwhelm you, and this added stress at the workplace can be demotivating (especially when it’s hot). Taking the time to get organized and focused is totally worth it.

6. Exercise in the Morning

Morning exercise is said to give you more energy during the day. Instead of relying on your daily cup of joe to provide the boost you need to get through, you can go for a light jog or do some strength training to keep you more alert and productive at work. While your coffee may provide some temporary relief, the crash that comes with it may not add to your cause. Exercise will give you the natural and good energy you need. And if you don’t have a gym membership, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to work out without paying for one.

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

20 Mar

LuvNote #001 – Succeed at Your New Job

Starting a new job is usually an exciting time with the anticipation that your new gig will be a perfect match, and will allow you to cultivate and sharpen your skills while making a positive contribution to the company. At the same time, it can be very stressful, especially within the first three months when you are literally on trial and don’t know if you will make it to the other side of your probationary period. With different management styles, it is a challenge for people to figure out whether they are doing a good job or not. The following are five ways to tell if you are doing well at your new job:

1. You Have Greater Ownership Over Your Work

Obviously, you were hired to do a specific job, and if someone else has to do it for you, why do they need you? Truth be told, when you are just starting out, there will be a lot of hand-holding as you get acclimated to your new role. Your direct supervisor is going to offer you a lot of guidance to make sure that you are on the right track. But as you get better at your role and your team starts to trust you, they will more often give you the ball to run with. This is a great sign and shows that you are doing well at your new job. The sooner the hand-holding stops, the better you are doing. The hope is that the hand-holding stops closer to your first month than to your third month, because if it takes 90 days for your team to trust you, then Houston, we have a problem.

2. You Are Being Given More Responsibility

Another sign that you’re doing great at your new job is when you are given responsibility beyond your current role. It’s one thing to get your management team to trust you with your role, but once they start trusting you with projects that are beyond the scope of what you were hired for, you know that you are doing pretty awesome. Some may look at this as unfavorable; however, a little more work won’t hurt anyone, and if it is a place where you are looking for longevity, the more areas that you make yourself valuable, the better.

3. Your Colleagues Rely on Your Opinion/Expertise

They say opinions are like Facebook pages because everyone has them. But in the workplace, valued opinions are few and far between. When you start being the go-to person for your opinion and expertise, this is a good indication that you are doing spectacular at your job. It’s one thing to be trusted with your own duties or given extra responsibility, but when that graduates to people trusting you with what they are responsible for, then you are closer to becoming a permanent team member. Establishing yourself as a trusted resource doesn’t come easy, especially when you are new. So if it starts to happen, be sure to take it as sign that you are doing things right.

4. You’re Asked to Represent Your Company

First you are being trusted with your own work, then you are given extra responsibility, and after that people trust your expertise and opinion. But when your company starts to ask you to represent them in public, it’s clear that you are well on your way to becoming a permanent team member. This is a big deal, because when you first start out, the mistakes that you make internally stay within the company, so most new employees are never given the opportunity to go out and publicly represent their employers. But when you are sent on speaking engagements to talk on behalf of your employer, if you are asked to head up a meeting with external partners, or when press opportunities arise that you’re asked to fulfill, you are given the leeway to relay the company’s message to the masses. This is the holy grail of trust and comfort with your higher-ups.

5. Your Boss Is Starting to Lean on You More

“Can you handle this for me?” are the six most important words you can hear from your boss as an employee, let alone a new employee. What the boss is responsible for is not only important for the company but also for their reputation. When you are being trusted to handle things on behalf of the boss, you know that you are there to stay. Being the first that he/she turns to, being mentioned as the alternative contact in out-of-office messages, and/or being told “You got this, I trust you” is the ultimate grand prize of awesomeness at the workplace! You are officially an asset!

Note: Original article posted on Popsugar. Click here for original

15 Jan


As digital technology erases the boundaries between virtual and brick-and-mortar, traditional banks may be fading into the past. Branchless banking is gaining momentum among millennials which, means customers may no longer need to visit a bank to withdraw money or perform transactions. Father and daughter team, BankMobile Chairman & CEO Jay Sidhu and BankMobile Chief Strategy Officer Luvleen Sidhu discuss their big business bet on mobile banking.